Newspaper Bits, Pieces and Clippings

Following are bits, pieces and clippings from old newspapers. These give us wonderful glimpses into the lives of our ancestors. If you have any newspaper stories/clippings you would like to add, please forward them to Rhonda Stolte Darnell.
Please be considerate and do not forward material which is copyrighted by someone else.
Middletown Chips
May 22, 1930








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Bits and Pieces



Mrs. P. A. Thomas and daughter Miss Martha, of Montgomery City, drove over to Middletown Tuesday and were joined here by her parents, J. T. Keithley and wife, Mrs. Thomas' sister, Mrs. Alice Rose Ackley, and the party proceeded to West Prairie where they spent the day with another sister, Mrs. Floyd Butler and family.

Dean Rigg and family of St. Louis, spent the week end here with his mother and other relatives. His sister Mrs. Zoe Chapman, returned to the City with them for a short visit, returning to her home here Monday evening.

Prof. and Mrs. T. F. John left Monday morning for Jefferson City for a short visit with his brother before going on to their home at St. James. Sorry to lose the Johns. They had been with us so long many had come to think they belonged to them.

Duard Moore and wife of Hannibal, were called to Middletown Monday of last week by the serious illness of his mother, Mrs. J. W. Moore, who became unconscious while listening to Rev. Mather's baccalaureat sermon. She remains seriously ill at the home of her son, Ernest Moore, of this town.

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up for his daughter, Miss Gladys, Friday after school closed. She taught the Primary here the past term.

Miss Minnie Seeley visited with Misses Fayetta and Genevieve Heim over the week end.

Dr. and Mrs. J. L. Fitzgerald and children, Junior and Alice, of Louisiana, were Sunday visitors at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Lemon Lemasters.

Mr. and Mrs. Reuben Lemasters are the owners of a new Apex Neutrodyne Radio.

L. Crutcher left Thursday of last week for Liege where he joined Jim Berger and they departed from there for Cleveland, Ohio, where they have employment for the Summer.

Teachers Somerville and Snyder left Friday night immediately after graduating exercises Friday night for their respective homes.

Mr. and Mrs. Willis Jarboe and Mr. Jim Jarboe departed last week for California to make their future home.

Rev. and Mrs. S. E. McDonald of Wellsville spent a few hours in Middletown last Friday.

Mr. and Mrs. J. T. Keithley and daughter Mrs. Alice Rose Ackley of Detroit, and Mrs. Keithleys' sister, Mrs. Alice Sperry, spent the week end at the home of Mr. and Mrs. P. A. Thomas, Montgomery City.

Mrs. Utterback of Vandalia came down Wednesday to attend the Graduation exercises of the Grades. Her grand-daughter, Glenna Rice Utterback, being one of the graduates. She remained over the week end for a visit.

Mr. Buddemeyer departed Friday for his home in Owensville.






Unveiling of Memorial Tablet
Dedicated to the Memory 
of World War Patriots
Who Made the Su-
preme Scrifice.

     At Wellsville on Decoration Day there will be dedicated a Montgomery County Soldiers Memorial Tablet, honoring the patriotic boy who made the supreme sacrifice during the World War. There is not a neighborhood but what has some family that lost a son or brother during the great conflict. His name is graven in the imperishable bronze of the tablet, a print of which will soon be placed in the postoffice in each town in the county.
     The Committee in charge extends an invitation to all to be present at the unveiling of the tablet, a tribute to our hero dead.



     Mr. and Mrs. Linley I. Thomas are rejoicing over the arrival in their home of a twelve pound baby son born May 22, 1930. Mother and babe doing nicely.


For Fish Fans.

     Missouri's 1930 fishing season opens officially Decoration Day when all fish found in waters of Missouri may be angled for legally. The season on bass, crappie and jack salmon hsa been closed since April 1, and from June 1 until July 15 the season on channel catfish is closed.

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     And right here is a good time to call our game warden's attention to the fact that this section has, like other sections, a few "boot-leg" fishermen who each season take a sneaking advantage of the law and the real lovers of the sport, by hand-fishing, mostly at night time, destroy channel catfish by hundreds. Cuivre River is nearly depleted of this once plentiful game fish.
     Missouri has 510 fishing streams with a total length of 15,000 miles and in addition, there are 168 lakes in the state with an area of more than 28,500 acres which offer fishing advantages.
     The large mouth bass, crappie, catfish and seunfish are to be found in all sections of the state. The pike or Jack salmon, is found in many Ozark steams and in some Central Missouri streams which are tributaries to the Missouri river and in Northeast Missouri streams that flow into the Mississippi River.
     The small mouth bass, and rock bass or goggle-eye, and trout are found in the Ozark region.
     State fishing licenses are necessary for those who would go outside their own immediate community to try their luck at this great out-door sport. Non-residents must possess either the regular non-resident season license or the fifteen day trip permit.
     Game wardens are insistent that fishermen have their licenses in possession and have already arrested scores of anglers who had failed to take out permits. Recently sixteen non-resident fishermen were arrested in one county in Northeast Missouri and fines meted out to these men were far in excess of the price they would have paid for the proper licenses.






Miss Agnes Hamlett
Mr. Blaine McCoy

announce their marriage, which was solemnized by Rev. W. G. Mitchell, in the parlors of the manse, at Bowling Green, on Saturday, May 17, 1930.
     At home to their friends at pretty farm home of the McCoys on West Prairie.
     This young couple is too well and favorably known throughout this section to need any introduction or bouquets now. We join with the whole countryside in best wishes.



     Announcement is just made of the marriage of Miss La Von Gooch of Middletown, Mo., to Mr. Elliott Harold Ward of Grand Junction, Colo., on Sunday, February 23, 1930. At home after June 1st, at 316 Ute Avenue, Junction City.
     The bride is the eldest daughter of Mr. and Mrs. O. T. Gooch of near this place and is a lovable lady of many virtues.
We do not know the groom, but congratulate him, and think he is alright or that a sensible little wife of his would not have married him.
     Chips joins with many friends of the bride here, where she was born and reared, in wishing them abundance of the good things and a long, happy life.



     Miss Flossie McCarty of Buell, was married to Mr. Ted Stansberry of near Middletown, Saturday, May 17, 1930. The young couple will be at home on the Stansberry farm west of Middletown to their friends.
     The groom is next to youngest son of Mrs. Louise Stansberry, and one of the most industrious and promising young farmers of this section. Chips' congratulations and best wishes.


     The Chips household thanks Mrs. W. H. Graham for a chicken dinner for two that wouldn't have been but for her generosity in giving us a "broiler" from her fine Locust Hill flock. Nobody need try to convince the ole man that W. Leghorn broilers are not equal to any as a table bird.


Baby Contest at State Fair.

     Mothers in every county of Missouri are invited to cooperate in the most perfect baby contest to be held at the 30th Annual Missouri State Fair, August 16-23. Governor Henry S. Caulfield will participate in the pleasant task of finding the most perfect boy and girl baby in Missouri.
     The Governor's interest in the matter will include the awarding of a silver trophy to the girl baby scoring the highest.
Lieutenant-Governor E. H. Winter will award a like trophy to the boy baby with the best health rating.
     It is expected that 500 babies will be entered in the contest. Examination and judging will begin at 9 o'clock Monday, August 18, third day of fair week.

Middletown Chips
May 22, 1930








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Bits and Pieces


Closing Days of Our
'29-30 School Year

     The Middletown High School Commencement Exercises were held at the Christian Church Friday evening, May 16.
The invocation was given by Rev. W. J. Hardesty. Following the Invocation a special chorus of twenty members sant "Farewell to the Forest".
     Prof. Aydelott, of St. Louis, delivered an interesting and inspiring address to the graduates which was greatly appreciated by everyone present.
     Verda Maupin, president of graduating class, read an interesting Class History. A beautiful piano solo was splendidly interpreted and executed by Bernice Hardesty.
     The presentation of the diplomas by Prof. Aydelott was followed by short, inspiring talks by Rev. Hardesty and Prof. T. F. John.
     The graduates of the Class of 1930 were: Misses Verda Maupin, Erma Alderson, Pauline Stopher and Elois Maupin; Messrs. Manley Shaw, Eugene Heim, Jelma Moore and Audrey Logan.


Grade Graduates.

     The Grade School graduating exercises were held at the auditorium of the school building on Wednesday evening, May 14th. 
The graduates of surrounding rural schools were present to receive their diplomas.
     County Superintendent W. F. Hupe delivered an inspiring address to the graduates.
     A program consisting of a trumpet solo by Earl Somerville, vocal solo by Miss Gladys Reece, short talk by Mr. Snyder, three speeches by graduates and a piano soo by Miss Bernice Hardesty.
The graduates of the Middletown grade school were:
     Champ Buchanan, Glennarice Utterback, Blanche Nolan, Albert Hirsch, William S. Romans, Jr., Bert McLean and Mary Leverett.



     The Ladies of the Christian Church will serve Ice Cream and Cake at H. O. Jones' new Cafe, Saturday night, May 24. Every body come and enjoy the evening.


Miss Nellie Romans who has employment at Mexico spent the week end here with her parents W. S. Romans and wife.

Mr. Jim Williams, of St. Louis, formerly of Marling, spent a short time in our town Sunday shaking hands with old friends. He holds a position in the St. Louis postoffice and is now enjoying his annual vacation.

Mr. and Mrs. Ellis Rentfro and Miss. Sallie Oden were Sunday guests of another sister, Mrs. John Rentfro.

Mr. and Mrs. R. M. Hendershott and Mr. and Mrs. H. O. Robinson were Sunday guests of A. E. Hendershott and wife of New Florence.

Miss Glennarice Utterback is visiting her Grandmother Utterback at Vandalia this week.





     Mrs. Annie Martin died Sunday evening at the home of her daughter, Mrs. Claude Alderson, after a lingering illness. Funeral services were held at the house, Tuesday afternoon, and interment at Wellsville.



     It is desired to have the Enumeration as complete as possible and that all who believe that they have not been enumerated are requested to send in their names to me on a postal card, or in a letter.

Supervisor of Census
7th Dist. of Missouri



L. M. Pitts, wife and daughter Geraldine, Mrs. Roy Bethel and daughters Viva and Grace, came one day the past week and papered a room for their parents, Mr. and Mrs. Eli Pitts.

John Lionberger and wife, Jewel See, wife and little daughter and Emil Haerer and wife all went to Big Spring one day last week and papered for their parents, Mr. and Mrs. Logan. It seemed to be a lucky day for the old folks.

We had a little rain, for which we are very thankful, but would like to see it get a little warmer.

Eli Pitts and Emil Haerer were calling on Mr. Fisher Sunday evening while Mrs. Haerer was visiting Mrs. Pitts.

Raymond Cochran spent the weekend with his grandparents, Henry Smith and wife and his Uncle Herman.

Monday and trying to rain. All these little showers will help vegetation but hard on little chicks.

Joe Smith helped Eli Pitts clean out a pond last week and it was about the hardest work that Eli and the old horses had found this Spring.



     The Cemetery Association will, through courtesy and assistance of Mr. Guy Ridings, put on a picture show at the Kozy on the night of Wednesday, May 28th. Proceeds will be used for upkeep of Fairmount Cemetery. Your patronage will be appreciated.

Cemetery Association meets Saturday afternoon, June 7, with Mrs. J. W. Butler.
                    --Press Reporter.

Come to Kozy Theater May 28


Mr. and Mrs. Herman Culwell of Central Union neighborhood attended graduating exercises here Friday night.

Henry Steele and family and Enos Jarboe and family returned Thursday from a trip that took them as far West as California. They spent six weeks motoring over the Western states looking for a place that would beat their native State, but could not and returned satisfied that there is no place quite equal to "Old Mizzou," and "the old home town" nestles in the middle of the very best section of that very best State.

Middletown Chips
May 22, 1930








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Bits and Pieces


Final Settlement Notice.

     Notice Is Hereby Given To all creditors and others interested in the estate of
                                   Rebecca Barnes.
deceased, that on the first day of the next regular term of the Probate Court for Montgomery County, Missouri (sitting at the City of Montgomery) or as soon thereafter as I can be heard, and which term begins on the second Monday in June next I, the undersigned Administrator of said estate intend to make final settlement thereof.
               G.A. BARNES,
Administrator of the estate of Rebecca Barnes, Deceased.
First insertion in Chips May 1, 1930; Vol. 48, No. 35


Final Settlement Notice.

     Notice Is Hereby Given To all creditors and others interested in the estate of
                                William Alexander,
deceased, that on the first day of the next regular term of the Probate Court for Montgomery County, Missouri (sitting at the City of Montgomery) or as soon thereafter as I can be heard, and which term begins on the second Monday in June next I, the undersigned Administrator of said estate intend to make final settlement thereof. 
Administrator of the Estate of William Alexander, Deceased.
First insertion in Chips May 1, 1930, Vol. 48. No. 35.


Notice of Executor's Sale

     Notice is Hereby Given, That by virtue of an order of the Probate Court of the County of Montgomery and State of Missouri, made at the March Term thereof, and on the 26th day of April, 1930, I, Charles D. Fitzgerald, Executor of the estate of Charles K. Fitzgerald, deceased, will on SATURDAY THE 31st DAY OF MAY 1930, at the front door of the Court House in the City of Montgomery, County of Montgomery, and during the session of the Probate Court of said County of Montgomery, sell at public auction all the interest of Charles K. Fitzgerald, deceased, in and to the following real estate, to-wit:
     The West half of the West half of the Southwest Quarter of Section 9, Township 50, Range 4, West; and
     The Northwest Quarter of the Northwest Quarter of Section 16, Township 50, Range 4, West; and also the following described land to-wit: A part of the Southwest fourth of the Southwest Quarter of Section 10, in Township 50, Range 4, West; with metes and bounds as follows: Beginning at the Southeast corner of said tract, thence North along and with the East line of said tract to a point within 10 feet of the Northeast corner of said tract 20 chs.; thence West parallel with the North line of said tract, 7 chs. and 85 links; thence South parallel with the East line of said tract 20 chs. to a point on the South line of the same; thence East along and with said South line 7 chs. and 85 links to the beginning, containing 15 acres and 71-100 of an acre.
          Terms of Sale: Cash
               CHARLES D. FITZGERALD, 
First insertion in the Chips May 8, 1930, Vol. 48, No. 36.





"Papa's Buried on the Hill"

Everything is lonesome around the cabin door, somehow,
The birds have stopped their singing, everything is gloomy now,
We have lost the best friend that we ever had;
Oh how we all regret the day, that we lost dear old Dad.

Papa's buried on the hill, beneath the lonesome pine,
No more he'll hear the whip poorwill, or see the bright sunshine
No more he'll see the moonlight there, or the honeysuckle vine
For papa's buried on the hill, beneath the lonesome pine.

Everybody misses him, everybody loved him so,
His children cry for papa, we did not want to see him go;
Everything is lonesome since the papa passed away,
We know we'll all see him again when we all meet, some day.
--Mrs. Louise Stansberry and Children


Memorial Day Flowers.

     As Memorial Day approaches, our thoughts naturally revert to the past, when friends and loved ones now absent were with us. 
What could be more fitting than to visit the Silent City of the Dead and scatter flowers in their memory?
     I can take care of your flower orders for plants, shrubs, cut flowers and artificial pieces.
     See my line of art wreaths and sprays and get my prices. No extra charge for placing orders in cemetery for you. I strive to please.                                    ZOE CHAPMAN


Administrator's Notice.

     Notice Is hereby Given. That Letters Of Administration on the Estate of Bertha Laverett, deceased, were granted to the undersigned on the 10th day of May, 1930, by the Probate Court of Montgomery County, Missouri. All persons having claims against said Estate are required to exhibit them for allowance to the Administrator within six months after the date of granting of said Letters, or they may be precluded from any benefit of said Estate; and if such claims be not exhibited within one year from the date of granting said Letters they shall be forever barred.
     This 10th day of May, 1930.
          CHAS. LEVERETT
          E.L. BRIGHAM,
          Judge of Probate.
First insertion in Chips May 15, 1930, Vol. 48, No. 37.



     All are invited to attend the Montgomery County Women's Christian Temperance Union Institute to be held at the Christian Church in Montgomery City, Friday, May 23rd, opening at 10:00 o'clock a.m. Mrs. Rena McAnnally, State Field Worker, will be present to assist in making the program brimful of interest and inspiration and all local Unions are urged to have the largest possible representation in attendance.

Middletown Chips
May 22, 1930
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Bits and Pieces


My stock of the newest and latest styles in fabric and shapes of Spring hats is very complete. Come and look these lovely creations over. Will have them on display every Saturday at the store of McCoy and Kuhne, (old postoffice) and other days at my residence.
                                                 MRS. JIM BERRY


1930                          Season                          1930

Breeding Stables

C.W. FRENCH, Prop.



Breeding Stables

H.J. SPIRES, Prop.


Pure Bred Percheron
License No. 368

Ring Larmo 163160
Color: Black Star

A sure foal getter and one of the best Breeding Jacks in the State.


JACK $10.00

Due and payable when foal stands or mare is parted with.

H.J. Spires
Bellflower, Mo.




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